Monday, March 24, 2014

Facebook.... The Fairytale that never was.

Warning, this post is going to be a bit snarky.

But, honestly, I'm just trying to be real. Why is it that people try to project a perfect life on Facebook? You know the type, those that you know are struggling yet post statuses gushing about how wonderful and perfect their life (relationship, job, etc) is going. I don't get it. Does this come along with the age of connectivity, where people can scrutinize every inch of your life? Is that why people create their own Fairytales?

Now, I'm not perfect... but I love to share inspirational or funny things. I like to make comments pertaining to how awesome I am, I like to share funny things about my love for bacon. Sometimes I share about how my kids make me crazy, or about a good day I am having. I'm all over the place -- just like if you talk to me face to face or on the phone. That's me.

What I find interesting is how some people ONLY post when they get new things and want to brag, or when things are going badly they proclaim how wonderful their life is. Sure, no one wants to air their dirty laundry all over Facebook (or do they? There's a lot of that going on too!) but why make it all gumdrops and rainbows?

I wish I could challenge everyone to be REAL. Just for a day. Share your passion, share your humor, share YOU - the real you, not the one hiding behind the screen trying to create something that doesn't exist.


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