Sunday, February 9, 2014

A more "Paleo" lifestyle?

I've struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember.
I was never a "skinny" kid, I was always a chubby kid - but I was never as overweight as I am now.
Since my son was born in 2010, I never got back to pre-baby size and actually yo-yoed quite a bit, getting within 20 lbs of my pre-pregnancy weight and then ballooning back up, gaining 25 lbs from that point.

For me, I know that tracking my diet is key, along with more intense exercise, but I've failed miserably at sticking to it. Even last year, walking 20+ miles a week in preparation for my 60-mile, 3-Day walk, I didn't lose - because, while I was exercising, it wasn't very intense and my eating habits were not all that healthy.

I did well a few years back when I cut back on carbs. No, I didn't eliminate them or do an Atkins-style diet, I simply tried to cut out sugars and unneeded carbs most days of the week. I felt better, I lost weight and I noticed that I snacked less because the foods I ate weren't simply "fillers".

Like most, carbs are my kryptonite. So I've been debating lately whether or not to try to incorporate more of a "Paleo" lifestyle. In all honesty, I'm not looking at is as a quick fix, or even a diet for that matter. I'm actually just thinking that my whole family could benefit if we start eating less processed junk and more real foods.

So, last night I pinned a TON of Paleo recipes, guides, etc. I think I'll give it a shot, even if it's a slow, phased-in process. My biggest struggle will be replacing rice, potatoes and pasta for everyone. I'm a veggie lover, but the kids and husband aren't as gung-ho about using cauliflower as a potato substitute or spaghetti squash as a pasta substitute. But, I can try - if they don't like it, I'm sure some grains and starches won't be horrible (for them), but if we can build our meals to incorporate more roasted vegetables, fruits and meats, I think it will benefit us all in the long run.


Saturday, February 8, 2014

Starting over; the 2014 Bucket List

I was inspired by a friend who recently started a blog and told me about making a 2014 bucket list for different areas of your life.

I love this idea, I think it's a great way to challenge yourself and also keep track of happenings throughout the year. So here I am, I'm back to my blog and I'm putting my list out there for everyone to see (or anyone who stumbles across my abandoned blog!).

1.Focus on healthy eating and portion control.
2. Start and finish the couch to 5k program
4. Complete a 5k
5. Complete the 24 week SGK training program, as close to program mileage as possible.
6. Complete the Philly SGK 3-Day and try to walk as much as possible, farther than last year (Last year = approx. 47 miles)

1. Be more patient
2. Go to the shore at least once this summer
3. Go out for more family walks/trips to the park
4. Spend more one on one time with each of the kids
5. Do more arts and crafts with the kids
6. Take the kids to Disney and just enjoy it – no stressing, no rushing.
7. Go to at least one Phillies game this year – try for a Kids Run the Bases event.
8. Learn to disconnect; no computer/phone at least one night per week.

1. Work harder to step out of my comfort zone.
2. Network more.
3. Learn more about Immuno-Oncology
4. Learn to disconnect from work on weekends/time off.

1. Read a book a month/average 12 books
2. Improve my knitting
3. Improve my style (clothes, makeup) by learning to blend colors better
4. Crochet more for myself and my family
5. Expand my Scentsy circles

1. Pay off the 4Runner.
2. Do the 52 week savings jar (at least until October – use for Christmas shopping)
3. Pay down debt
4. Budget better, and stick within the budget
5. Spend less on coffee & soda

So, there it is. The categories are in no special order. I hope to come back monthly, or at least quarterly, and update what I've done or what I'm working on! Care to share your bucket list? Leave a comment with a link to yours!
